Saturday, January 01, 2005

Hurrah Gre8 New start

After long time of consideration, I've decided to leave my previuos blog and it is a fresh new start.

Yeah memories might linger but as I said its time to start fresh.

God, you have been there with me all these times and whatever trouble I had in last year you have helped me to solve and most of them without pain.

I pray to you to repeat the favor this year too but not only for me but also for my Kin and Kith and also to all nice hearted soul.

Here I need to mention my special buddies,

Guardian Angel - Thanx a ton pal, U were like the rock of Gibraltor during my tough times , I'm honoured to be called as ur pal.

Nandini - I dunno if I wud have survived during my stint in Bangalore but for this kid sis, Thank a ton Nandu

Baski - But for you , who can bail me out in the last moment.

Bucks , Rajesh,Senthil, Mahesh - thank God for a Happy Reunion with these friends.

Sankar - My dear cousin and Friend if not you, who else can play my knight in shining armour.

and yeah the Most important Persons - My folks - Thanx for being there whenever I needed U!

yeah Lax kickstarts his activites - So beware of Pranks - he has mroe than a bagful -hehehehe!

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